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Thursday, November 22, 2012

21 Days

wind 20 nov correctedSoon after crossing the Equator we were fortunate to have wind and current assisting us in making an a quick eastward passage. The speed was good and there were days on which we did anywhere between 170-190 miles against the planned average of 150. Meanwhile, a cyclonic circulation was brewing south east of us around a closed isobar. My aim was to sail East of it, and having passed it make use of the trade winds to sail southward. So far, the plan has worked out despite the fact that winds have died down east of the circulation. But it is only a matter of time before we catch up with the trade winds which has been predicted to hold more than 25 kn winds within itself.

The sun, meanwhile, has considerably worked up its intensity. Its rays are so scorching that one might feel it would pierce through skin and body and come out the other way. Body hair is showing tell tale signs of bleaching- it has started turning golden brown in colour.  The beard has grown beyond the point where it pokes my own skin. The heat is almost stopping the brain from functioning and I do need take more naps to cool it down. Sunburn is much more severe when you are at sea because of all the reflections of sunlight around you. On my part, I still refuse to wear sunblock preferring instead to wear clothes with high SPF value.

190px-The_Story_of_PhilosophyI thought I would read a lot in this voyage and I do like reading. Instead of choosing books myself, I asked a few of my reliable friends to contribute, so that the library I would carry would be more of a radio station than a collection of songs. I tried reading the moment I cast off and was over my sleep deprivation but somehow it did not catch on. What I could read turned out to be Tinkle comics and almost two years of Nat Geo issues that the ACK media team had gifted on the day of departure. Almost after ten days, I found what would be a safe bet for me anytime, anywhere, any weather- a book called One Hundred Years of Solitude. Having read that in a matter of two nights, I moved on to The Story of Philosophy by Will Durant. I find it incredibly engrossing and way different from other books I have tried to read on the subject. It has also sparked a desire to read Voltaire when I get back.

As I write this, there is another Indian Navy sailing vessel called the Sudarshini which is sailing on a voyage to South East Asia, She is a barque rigged tall ship forming a part of the Training Squadron. You can read her skipper’s blog here..

Next up- Trade Winds

Almost knocking on the doors of trade winds, I have covered about 2500 nautical miles in 22 days at an average speed of 5knots. This includes the days I was becalmed.



  1. Nice account of events. Actually feel like being on the voyage. No harm in trying sun block though, Its not just to protect ones complexion but to safeguard the skin. Especially in that kind of weather and that part of the world it could be a good option. Now not sure if it can be sent across to you though. This voyage is supposed to be solo, unassisted and non- stop right?

    1. I just dont use sun tan. Dont like it too well. Yes, this is a solo unassisted non stop!

  2. Abhilash, I must salute you for doing this.

  3. Try Life of's not just fashionable to read these days, but is really and truly a great book. I was fascinated by it a decade ago....and it does kind of suit your circumstances well....there's an imaginary bengal tiger under the genoa, and we would like to see a picture of it, Sir.

    1. :) Me too.. read it almost a decade ago! I got a tigress under the genoa, and she is sailing pretty fast now

  4. Admiral:
    So nice to hear the latest from you in detail in this blog.

    May the winds help you,the ocean be your guide,the boat be your friend,till you reach the Gateway of India in Mumbai

    with best wishes,

    Dr Padmanabhan
    Mumbai India

    1. Dr!
      You will have to stop addressing me like that!

      But thank you for following us. Your enthusiasm is enviable.

  5. I am intrigued enough not to leave you anywhere alone on the sea, Mariner!

    1. Thank you, but I hope you are not the one behind the phone calls that have been dogging me at sea :)

    2. Ha Ha Ha! Don't worry, I am just a duck-billed platypus!

    3. So you can't dial numbers you mean? :)

  6. Admirable:

    Is that ok?

    Dr Padmanabhan
    Mumbai India

    1. Anything but Admiral, Commodore, Captain or Commander

  7. Hi Buddy ....

    Keeping track of u here .. Good going buddy ..

    Almost 1/7 th of the voyage is over :)

    feel proud to be ur coursemate ...


    The same coursemate who saw u off Gateway of India.
